Wednesday, 19 September 2012

I am the night

Given that no one reads this and the fact that the images are readily available and heavily proliferated over the interwebs I'll refrain from the act of posting the pictures of the chaos models, an act which is strenuous upon my unsteady consitution on heated summer days.

I'll start with the rules that have been proposed to be in the chaos book (suffice to say the price makes me rage against multiple, simultaneous, defensive, and simultaneous, multiple, devastating machines) the possession thing sounds cool, but I would have like the eating people part to be seperate from the actual upgrade, and something unto itself.  The idea of there being only 4 powers per god is music to me as it means that the powers are not random, or at the very least they are more consistent than your usual, core powers.  I would have prefered Tzeetch to get 6  or something, but c'est la vie.

Also the fact that Phil Kelly's writing the book pleases me to no end, the apparent changes in design philosophy mean that the book will be much more unbridled than the last few books, which pleases me greatly.  Unless this is the worst book of PK's career by impossible degrees, this book looks good.

I'm largely satisfied by the new models, while I am solidly disappointed in some aspects.  Stylistically speaking the overall look of the new chaos models is entirely confused, and not in a good way.  Some of the models are very cartoonish, and kind of derivative (Mutilators), whilst some are just silly in my opinion, and some are kind of breaking with the established style chaos took from the Dark Vengeance kit.

Here's a quick rundown of my thoughts:
-Dark Apostles: good overall, but he's covered in those purity seal things that are as think as (thick cut) bacon, and look a bit silly.  They shouldn't have attempted such an ambitious form if they couldn't do it well.
-Dark Techmarine: Pretty good overall, not crazily good, but it has its own theme and holds well to it while bringing some traditional chaos paradigms into the mix.  I'll be converting my own, but I'd call it a success.
-Champion thingy: Woo, 85-100% satisfied here, depedning on what's in the kit.  Stylistically it gives me what I want, and has an enjoyable content that appeals to most chaos players by not being to weighted in any of the themes chaos models carry.
-obliterrators 'mutilators': Wow, fail.  I may be the only person in the world who liked the old obliterators, but these are disgusting.  To start with the faces are ridiculous, they look like astronauts in those centrifuge test things they put them in whose faces have peeled back from the forces.  The mutations they have covering their bodies are just derp; I can deal with rampant mutation reducing them to horrifying messes of flesh and armour, and I can deal with weapons merging into their limbs in horrifying ways, both are cool, especially when combined, but this is ridiculous.  They just have the flesh mutations covering them nonsensically, and look like someone green stuffed them over.  If the rules and fluff are good I'll convert my own, and I think the concept was good, but this may be some of the worst execution I've ever seen.
-Warp Talons: I think they really dropped the ball here.  These shouldn't have been a combi-kit, the shape of regular marines doesn't suit them.  The shape should have been smoother and predatory, rather than the traditional bulk of marines.  They're over stylised in a way which is distracting from what should be a very captivating overall form.  I've got to grab some of the old models.
-Jump Marines (not sure what they're called): These are okay, but they don't go above their calling, and the combi-kit weighs down the aforementioned warp talon kit.
-Helldrake:  This is solid, I'd say I'm 70% satisfied with this.  It's overall form looks good, and the concept is great.  Where it falls flat is in the execution again, balancing all of its shapes and in some parts like the head it looks like a toy.  I will probably do minour conversion work to make it look like the front half of a dragon that has been torn off from its back, the existing shape should lend itself well to this.
-Forgefiend: With the body, although I'm not in love with, is very well done.  The legs are pretty cool and it matches existing daemon engines in a pretty good manner.  I'll reserve my judgement of the weapons until latter, and i really dislike the head, but I think I can see it being awesome with some conversions.
-Mauler: I'm excited for this one.  The limbs look great, and it's only feature I dislike is the head.  I think it's a shared kit with the Forgefiend, so my previous comments apply too.  I hope these are monstrous creatures as I have horrible luck with vehicles.  If not, I guess I'll get them regardless, but never use them.

Overall I'm somewhat satisfied, but I was really hoping for more, and the Dark Vengeance kit had truly whet my appetite.  These comments were very cursory, I'll post full reviews after I'm seen, painted, and assembled mine.

And posted pictures.  :3

I'm back

Listening to: Tool's Stinkfist
Reading: A thousand Sons
Blood type: Warp Ichor

It's kind of funny that I made a post called "I ain't even dead" and then didn't post for like four months.  Either way I'm back, and I'm a butt because I made like 5 things I should have posted but were incomplete.  Over the next few weeks I'm going to try to get some stuff done here's a list of how it's going to go, mostly for my sake, but I figured I might as well write it out to the audient void to make a quasi-post and absolve my crime of ridiculous absence.

I'm going to try and post a couple more articles today, and in the next month I'll aim to have reviews of the Chaos book, and the new models both, in fair comprehension; so stay tuned.  I've also done a few painting projects that I should post, but haven't even taken any pictures of yet.  I went to PAX, and would review how that went, but I was sick with the flu every day and didn't get to do anything those three days (everyone has to have a vacatiuon like that at some point, right?) other than purchase three Forgeworld models which will be made soon.

Yes I know that no one reads this and it's probably more like a journal.

Monday, 18 June 2012

I ain't even dead.... Necron warriors

Necron Warriors:

WS BS S T W I A Ld. Sv.
Necron warrior 2 4 3 4 1 2 1 10 4+/5++

-Gauss blaster* (Shots fired from Gauss weapons are Entropic I)
-Necroshell (4+)

Special rules:
-5+ inv. Save

-May have a ghost ark, night scythe, or Obelisk as a dedicated transport.
-The entire unit may have entropic strike for 1 point per model

When a unit with entropic strike fires at a target, the unit may choose to perform a disassembly, and forfeits all wound rolls it would make. Instead resolve a single to wound roll at a strength related to the number of hits the unit made. If the attack is against a vehicular target, resolve the penetration roll with 1d6 plus the number of hits the Necron unit made against the vehicle. For each 10 points in excess of roll needed to penetrate, an additional roll is made on the vehicle damage table.

Entropic: for every two hits made on a vehicle, add 1 to the penetration roll. Some units or weapons have entropic 'I','II','III' etc.., use the value provided instead of adding one for every two.

Ex: a unit with Entropic I adds one to the roll for each hit.

*A gauss blaster has the rules of a bolter, there is no 'gauss' rule applied to it, 'Entropic' is the replacement.

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Feed my eyes: The Necron Pariah

 Amongst the ruling caste of the Necrons, nigh immortal as they might be, all must die, just as all must serve. The Necron race may be stagnant, but even they seek to replace their losses with fresh boil, or oil as it were.
Their race needs but a trickle of recruits to sustain themselves, and amonst the lower Necrons they need only be harvested from the primitives of the galaxy, and interred in bodies of necrodermis for service, with runic arcane circuitry binding them to a service and lord of which they may never fully be aware.
Foremost amongst these recruits are the pariahs, outcasts of both their race and the Necrons alike, for though they might share the same form as their overlord, their birth was not of the Necrontyr. Throughout the millenia Necron dynasties have sought out servants to replace those nobles lost in combat, and to rejuvenate their lost sciences and pursuits.
Champions, as they are called, were great warriors in their mortal life, so much so that they attracted the notice of the iron gods, who visited after the warriors time of great achievement, promising immortality and unlimited foes in the sea of the cosmos. Some champions were instead chosen by blood tournaments, gladiatorial fights or terrible sports in which the victors were elected for sacrifice to the iron gods. Though their races may be as diverse as their method of election they all have one thing in common: immense skill at arms, so much that the gods themselves intervened.
Liches are instead scientists, alchemists and scholars who were taken from their worlds, their brilliance having revolutionised or driven continents into madness and decay. Some have created poxes, and diseases that left them the sole inheritors of their nations, and others merely discovered some primitive aspect of the universe, in an even more primitive culture. All are remade, programmed with basic Necron combat techniques, and the understanding of creation. Their drive and spirit for science is what the Necrons desire, not the worthless discoveries they've made, as Necrons may have immensely powerful techno-science, for their ambition has been long dead. What a cryptek may achieve in centuries, a pariah liche may in years as fire of creation burn low in the hearts of the ancients.
Amongst the most foul of the pariahs are the Nulls, those whose spirits whirled with a death miasma even before their mummification. In life they were cursed and driven away from others for their palpable evil that withers any with a soul. So they are called to the souless legions, whether they are some quirk of evolution taken advantage of, or some terrifying evidence of xenos investment in mankind is not clear, and Emperor willing, will never be so.
It is very common for Pariahs to be seen leading units of immortals. It has been theorised that these are actually colleagues from their past lives, servants, or other failed champions from whichever contest they entered, though the concept of such sentimentality is a queer one amongst the Necrons.


WS BS S T W I A Ld. Sv.
Pariah: 50 points 4 4 4 4 2 3 2 10 4+

-Necroshell (4+ armour save)
-Hyperphase sword (Power Weapon)

Special rules:
-Independent Character
-We'll be back (May make 'Feel No Pain' checks regardless of AP values or 'Instant death')
-Feel no pain (5+)

May take one of the following doctrines, for the listed cost
     -Champion (+2 WS, +1 BS,+1 I, +1 A)... 20 points
     -May exchange Hyperphase sword for:
     -Voidblade...5 points
     -Warscythe...15 points
     -If warscythe is not chosen, may have a dispersion shield...25 points
-Lich: May choose from a cryptek's basic schools (to be expanded upon)...10 points
-Null: psychic powers used on the Pariah or his unit automatically fail, force weapons cannot instantly kill him... 10 points
     -Can take gloom prism... 15 points
     -Replace Hyperphase sword with Warscythe with incorporated gauss blaster... 30 points

-May exchange Hyperphase sword for:
-Gauntlet of fire...Free

May take any of the following:
-Ressurection Orb... 30 points
-Reinforced Necroshell (+1T and +1S)... 15 points
-Immortal Carapace (3+ save)... 10 points

Friday, 11 May 2012

Fistfull of special characters

The first character is a Dark Angels one. The idea was I wanted to make a character who is inspired by the shaolin monks, rather than the teutonic monks. Basically the idea is that he lets you use scouts as troops, which should typically be armed with two close combat weapons, or in this case modeled without the weapons to represent bare fisted murder. On his own he's not to impressive, but he makes anyone he fights even worse! I've been watching Jackie Chan movies the last few days, and although I got the idea a long time ago, it's been hard to not give Qui some ridiculous fish-club attacks or something....
Qui Lang of the Jade Devas

Qui Lang6544353104+

-Carapace Armour
-Bolt pistol Pistol
-The (super)human body (counts as two close combat weapons)
-Krak and frag Grenades

Special rules:
-Chapter tactics
-Vexing assault
-Uncanny reflexes
-Fists of Fury

Chapter Tactics: A dark angels chapter that include Qui Lang may include units of scouts as troops.

Vexing Assault: Uniquely skilled at close combat, Qui Lang can knock any weapon out of his foes hands, and can avoid any armed attack with the deftest skill. Any blows landed on him are more likely than not to be hits of opportunity. Any enemies attempting to attack Qui Lang may not use weapon to do so, and thus does not gain the benefits imparted by any arms, nor do they count as having two close combat weapons. The model may be coated in butter to represent this rule.

Uncanny reflexes: Qui Lang has a 4+ inv. Save

Fists of Fury: Qui Lang alone has a talent for circumventing armour, snapping bones through ceramite plates or simply shattering hardened metals with sheer force of will that borders on the supernatural. Qui Lang's close combat attacks are 'Rending'

FINISH HIM!: As Imotekh's 'Humiliating defeat'

I was thinking 125 points for him, but that's soft.

I randomly decided to make a Salamanders character. I was going to make him a regular one, but I decided to make him from a successor chapter. Magmon, and the Vesuvian Martyrs are bot working names. Pretty much all aspects of this are in malleable, but I'm pretty much done with him. The idea was to make a priest from a chapter where all of the Psykers are part of the chapter's priests too, so he has oratory and librarian skills. Originally I was gonna make him a Epistolary, but I decided I didn't want to make yet another overly talented character. I was thinking the spells wouldn't necessarily be unique to him in the chapter, and if I ever finish my space marine fan codex, they might make it in as Salamander spells. The cost is very roughly done, and he's a very support oriented character, so I'm not sure what a good price is.

Magmon, first pyritian priest of the Vesuvian Martyrs

Magmon of the Vesuvian Martyrs

Qui Lang5444242103+

-Power armour
-Mastercrafted Plasma Pistol
-Obsidian Wand (a Witchblade that wounds on a 3+)
-Krak and frag Grenades

Special rules:
-Independent character
-Liturgies of battle
-Honour of the Chapter

Psychic powers:
-The Avenger
-Machine Curse
-Ashen rain (That shield thing space wolves and BA have)
-Might of Ancients
-Sculpt Flame
-Unfetter Flames

Sculpt flame: The psyker channels his affinity for the flame and changes it from a mere symbol to a living being. The fires snake out across the battle field to swallow whole their prey, or coalesce into the shape of the Martyr, who throws himself upon the foe with the fervour of his final act.

If this power is used at the beginning of the shooting phase. The player controlling Magmon chooses one of two effects, either extending the range of all flamers within 12” of Magmon by 6”, or using a shooting attack with the following profile:

S:4 AP: 5 Range: Template Assault (X)*

If this shooting attack is used, none of the flamers within 12” of Magmon at the time this power was used may be fired in the same phase. 'X' is the number of flamers within 12” of Magmon

Unfetter flames: The Priest calls out to the sprites of flame that are enslaved for evil purpose, and calls them to rise up against their masters. Meltas and flamers sputter their fuel, and flames riot and writhe, breaking from their confines, breaking the walls of their prisons, consuming their heathen slavers.

Used at the beginning of the controlling player's shooting phase. Melta and flamer weapons (or any similar weapon that mentions 'fire' or flame in its effect, use your common sense!) fired from within 18” of Magmon suffer from the 'get's hot!' rule

Firewall: With a grand gesture, fire spreads in a line heading in either direction before the caster, forbidding would be assailants, consuming the unwary, and granting time to the psyker's allies.

This power is used at the beginning of the enemies assault phase, before charges are declared. The psyker and his unit gain the counter attack special rule. In addition, any unit assaulting the psyker's unit counts as if they have moved through difficult, and dangerous terrain.

Raw cost: 175
Final cost: 165

Any tips or feedback for these characters? One of my friends said he'd like to use the Salamander one, but I hope it's not because he's too beardy!

The Crawling Chaos

"And it was then that Nyarlathotep came out of Egypt. Who he was, none could tell, but he was of the old native blood and looked like a Pharaoh. The fellahin knelt when they saw him, yet could not say why. He said he had risen up out of the blackness of twenty-seven centuries, and that he had heard messages from places not on this planet. Into the lands of civilisation came Nyarlathotep, swarthy, slender, and sinister, always buying strange instruments of glass and metal and combining them into instruments yet stranger. He spoke much of the sciences - of electricity and psychology - and gave exhibitions of power which sent his spectators away speechless, yet which swelled his fame to exceeding magnitude. Men advised one another to see Nyarlathotep, and shuddered. And where Nyarlathotep went, rest vanished; for the small hours were rent with the screams of a nightmare."

-H.P. Lovecraft's Nyarlathotep

So everyone I've known has bugged me at one point or another to make a blog, maybe they just wanted me to shut up, or maybe they thought for whatever misguided reason I'm a good writer, or funny. I know I'm 'funny' strange at the least. Gargh! Writing this post stream-of-thought is making it look retarded, and I guess I intend to write the rest of the blog this way, so avert your eyes if your getting tired already, 'cause this ain't gunna change, boy!

The main raisin I never started a blog was I never had a subject, but I had an epiphany today, or possibly yesterday: I totally write random rules for games all the time, and never have followed through enough to make a cohesive system, or module. So why not write about that?

I guess my mission statement would be: "To write down homebrew rules for game systems as they emerge, keep record of/revise my rules, eventually compile them into a useful format, and keep myself motivate in the process". I guess I should probably add something like: "write an entertaining blog, but fuck you, reader".

Oh! I could totally work on my typing too!

Structure wise it'll go a bit like this: I'm gonna post ideas for games I have, that I've thought out, they may be for compaigns, they maybe for new units, rules I the existing game or maybe even fluff or whatever. Some of my posts may be revisions of previous stuff, which will remain in the past, and exist in the new post as well, so you can look at the old version. I'm gonna try and stick with themes, so I can put something cohesive together sooner rather than later. Some of my rules I may leave uncompleted, because I can't think of anything that I'm satisfied with. If I have any readers, I'd ask you to suggest things!

"Art is never finished, only abandoned."

-Leonardo da Vinci

I may throw in some painting/modeling on the side.

Yes, I'm an aspie, and yes I've got really boring interests in esoteric subjects, deal with it.